Meet the maestro behind the magic! Our instructor and owner at The Braiding Academy and The Braiding Bar is not just a master of braids but a visionary weaving dreams into reality. With a passion for teaching and a flair for creativity, she stands at the helm, shaping both aspiring braiders and turning every visit to The Braiding Bar into a transformative experience. Join us on this braiding journey, where expertise meets innovation, and every braid tells a unique story.


    Welcome to The Braiding Academy and The Braiding Bar, where my mission as the CEO is to create a nurturing space where creativity and skill intersect, fostering an environment where aspiring braiders become confident, skilled artists. I am dedicated to providing top-notch education at The Braiding Academy, empowering students with not just braiding techniques but also the business acumen to transform their passion into a lucrative career.

    At The Braiding Bar, our mission extends to every client's experience — it's about more than just a hairstyle; it's a moment of self-expression and confidence. I am committed to leading a community where innovation meets tradition, where success stories are woven into every braid, and where braiding becomes not just an art but a journey to personal and professional fulfillment. Join us, and let's braid brilliance together.